Thank you for your interest in contacting us.
Our products can be ordered directly through us and our courier delivers nationwide from KZN.
For sales, contact Lisa via WhatsApp on +35799951366 or feel free to email us by filling out the form below.
A selection of our products may be found at the following stores. We recommend you call ahead to ensure they have the product and quantity you are looking for:
Kwa-Zulu Natal
BUCO Pinetown
Cnr Henwood & Shepstone Rd, Pinetown
031 713 7500
Build It Hillcrest
4 Stonewall Road, Hillcrest, 3610
031 7652221
Hilton Village Build It
5A Quarry Road, Leonard, Hilton, 3201,
033 343 3284
Doug’s Hardware
234 Marine Dr, Manaba Beach, Margate, 4276, South Africa
039 312 1756
Hayfield’s Mica Hardware
Cleland Rd Shop 54 Hayfields Centre, and Blackburrough Streets Cnr, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
033 386 2464
Western Cape
Constantia Hardware
9 Constantia Village Ctr, Main Rd, Constantia, The Constantia Village, Cape Town, 7806
021 794 0400
Sherwood Hardware
29 Ladies Mile road, Glen Alpine Centre, Bergvliet, Cape Town, 7800
021 715 1520